
Final Breath or Resurrection?

In an increasingly religious world I have found that discussing my Christian faith has become more difficult. Contrary to what secular media outlets in Canada, United States, and parts of Europe report world religions are at a healthy level. Based on the Pew Forum study, The Global Religious Landscape, as of 2010 84% of the world’s population identify with a world religion. Moreover, surveys have indicated that even ‘unaffiliated’ or ‘non-religious’ consider themselves spiritual (believing in a universal God or spirit). Atheism (literally meaning ‘without-a-god’) is not as prominent as we may think.

If religion and spirituality is more prominent than ever why are we told to keep our belief to ourselves?

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Atheism…for the Educated?

In 2010 as a third year university student I walked into the first day of a philosophy class. Following his introduction, the professor proceeded with the question, “How many of people in this class are Christian?” I watched as the lecture hall was filled with hesitantly raised hands. The professor continued, “By the time you finish this course, you won’t be anymore.”

To my surprise not one person who had their hands raised challenged the professor. …To be honest, as a new convert to Christianity, I didn’t feel like I was intellectually equipped to do so either.

In my final 2 years I  encountered a number of professors, seminar leaders, and students in the political science, philosophy, and sociology departments who confidently spoke out against Christianity….That is until one day when I gathered unexpected courage to speak (more on this in a later blog).

Something to think about: While I encountered several people in the social science departments who have declared personal crusades against Christianity, it was more difficult to find instructors and students in the science departments who were passionately atheist (see my blog on Religion and Science, God’s Canvas).  To my surprise a physics professor, who has become an acquaintance of mine, was a regular attendee at the weekly campus Catholic mass.

God’s (not) Dead

I have come to believe that there are many Christians who feel ill equipped to defend their deeply held convictions.

With great joy I would like to dedicate this blog to people and all those seeking to defend their belief in Jesus Christ or are simply looking for reasons why anyone would believe in God.

I will also be sharing helpful resources that can help you dive even deeper into discussion.

I hope you will engage me in discussion no matter what your belief systems are. I just ask that we all remain respectful to each other by not result to ad hominem arguments (attacking the person, not the argument)

Questions for consideration: 1. Should people of faith keep their beliefs to themselves? 2. Do you think that atheism has become the default position in the West (North America and Europe)? 3. What is your opinion on secularism? Is it positive? Is there a negative side to it?

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