
I would like to express my gratitude for your support by subscribing to and visiting my blog.

Courtesy of Jen Collins from

Courtesy of Jen Collins from

If you know me on a more personal level you are aware of my passion for Christian apologetics. My hope is to continue to improve my blog with great content. It’s my hope to address common objections to Christianity that are expressed by the “New Atheist” movement and skeptics. 

Currently I’m working a new project tentatively titled “Absolute Relativism.” I can’t wait to share more about this with you.

An Invitation

If you have any questions regarding the Christian faith that you would like to explore please feel free to email me.  I would love to walk with you in exploring any questions.

If you feel anyone you know might benefit from the content on my blog please invite them to take a look.

I’d like to wish you and your families a joy-filled Christmas and a New Year filled with many blessings.

God is Good!


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