
In the final year of my undergraduate degree I took a class on postmodern politics. In this small, but lively class, one of the “hot topics” was the new waves of feminism.

In one class a student posed the question if prostitution can be viewed in a positive light in today’s western culture. A young woman in our class responded, “Yes, if she is a strong woman.”

Photo by Andrea's Impression Photography

Photo by Andrea’s Impression Photography

To my surprise, no one pressed her to define “a strong woman.”

A Fresh Perspective

So, what is the image of a “strong woman.”

I believe the Bible does an amazing job of giving us an image of strong femininity.

Now, before you make any assumptions about what you will read next, be assured that it is unlikely that any religion teacher or secular feminist professor has proposed this perspective on women.

Eve, “the mother of all living”

We are all familiar with the Creation story in the Book of Genesis that we’ve heard many times as children. If you don’t remember, I encourage you to dust off an old Bible and read the second chapter of Genesis. Won’t take long, I promise.

If you continue to read chapter 3 you will notice something that I bet you missed in the past. Take a look at what verse 20 says:

“The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother all living.”

The “mother of all living.” Now that is amazing! Eve, who symbolizes the first woman, has been granted an honour and ability to freely bring life into the world, nurture this life, and elevate this life to its fullest potential. Can you guess who else has this honour? Only God!

Now, I want to assure  you. This isn’t me reading my perspective into the Bible. In Genesis 4 Eve is said to have “created a man together with the help of the Lord” (verses1-2a). In the Hebrew, the same word for “to create” is used to describe both the creative ability of Eve and of God (see Genesis 14:19, 22). To be clear, no living creature is intended to claim equality with God, including women. What we see here is God elevating the dignity and honour of women to a new height.

Living Tabernacle

One final thought. Christian men only ever genuflect (or kneel) on TWO occasions.

  1. The first, towards a tabernacle in a church’s sanctuary . Why? As a Catholic Christian I believe the hosts in the tabernacle (meaning dwelling place) is the presence of Christ’s divinity and humanity. So I genuflect towards it.
  2. The second, towards women. When I proposed to my wife, I did so kneeling on one knee, because she shares with God the sacred honour of freely bringing life into the world. She is a living tabernacle. In fact she is carrying life in her as I write. Our baby girl. Gentlemen, did you know this is why we get on one knee when we propose?


When I think of a strong woman I think of my wife. A woman who freely trusts in God’s plan for her to bring forth and raise life despite the immense difficulties that come along with it.

Questions. 1) In you opinion, what makes a strong woman?  2) What implications does this perspective have for society and how it treats women?

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