Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Month: January 2016

[First Periscope Post] From Unbelief to Belief

This is my first Periscope post as part of my weekly blog posts at Just click on the link  of the picture below to view the video.

[First Periscope Post] From Unbelief to Belief

Courtesy of Terry Hancock from

Courtesy of Terry Hancock from

In this post I briefly give my testimony on why I went from unbelief in God to belief in Him. I touch on one major intellectual struggle I had: Why is there so many accomplished intelligent people in different disciplines from science to philosophy to social sciences who believe in God with great confidence. In fact, their disciplines often lead them to conclude that it is more reasonable to hold that God does indeed exist.

“What” Is God? 3 Places In The Bible That Reveal to Us God’s Nature

In my last video blog post, What God Is Not, I addressed a major categorical mistake that new  atheists (Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens…etc.) make when describing God. I don’t want to dwell on something I already spoke about, so if you’d like the context for this blog post you’re welcome to view the video here.

Today I wish to direct you to three sections in the Bible that clarify how Christians (and Jews) actually understand God’s nature. Let’s get going.

Courtesy of Joshua Earle from

Courtesy of Joshua Earle from

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What God Is Not

Check out my new blog update. This is my first blog video titled “What God is Not.”

I learned today that it’s not easy to shoot a quality video. Much respect to those who do this on a regular basis. Forgive me for the focus part way through. Cheers!

Does Believing in God Restrict Your Intellect?

When I was an undergrad student I was surprised at how many of my professors proudly wore their atheist badges with great pride. With great enthusiasm some even preached personal atheist manifestos with evangelical fervor.

Prior to my acceptance of Christianity I had been convinced that to believe in God is to sacrifice intellect. In other words, if I wanted to be smart (or appear smart) I had to dismiss belief in God as superstition. God has no place in serious academia. Ironically, I soon came to realize how non-intellectual this position is.

Here are THREE REASONS why Christianity can encourage your intellect.

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

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