

In this week’s video I will explore how God has revealed himself through the person of Jesus Christ.

For 2000 years Christianity has made the claim that the historical person of Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Christian doctrine says that Jesus is fully God and fully human. This means that Jesus doesn’t abandon his divinity to take on human nature nor does he abandon human nature to hold onto his divinity.

Have you ever wondered what God is like? What would it be like to meet him? Well you are in luck. If you want to know exactly the personality of God all you have to do is acquaint yourself with Jesus in the Bible.

So, what does the Bible say about Jesus? According to the Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ is “visible image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). So if you want to know how God relates to suffering, evil, creation, sex, and morality, the best place to start is the Gospels in the New Testament.

In my opinion the Apostle John presents us with the best logic to understand who Jesus really is. In John 1:1-3, the Apostle John refers to Jesus as the “Word.” “Word” in Greek translates to Logos.

——————— Logos——————-

In John’s Gospel, “Logos” takes on two meanings:

1. The Abstract mind of God. — Greeks did not believe in a personal God like Christians or Jewish people do; however, they did believe in a pantheistic notion of god. They believed that the divine is present in all creation. They also believed that there had to be an entity that exists beyond space time in which consists all perfect knowledge.

2. Wisdom – Wisdom plays an important role in Old Testament and also in ancient Greek philosophy. In the Old Testament wisdom is personified and acts in accord with God. This means that Wisdom creates and inspires people.

The Apostle John is saying that Jesus is the Logos and Wisdom who has exists in eternity and was present in the creation of the of the universe.

——————————Deposit of Faith———————————

Therefore if Jesus is God then what has been revealed him is true because God is the author of all that is true. These truths are referred to as the “Deposit of Faith” by the Catholic Church. The Deposit of Faith form the foundation on which the church has established its doctrine and conducts its action.

Nothing can be added to or taken away from what Jesus has revealed. What Jesus has revealed is definitive.

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