
If I were to ask you if you consider yourself to a holy person, how would you respond?

I think it’s safe to say that most of us would hesitate labeling ourselves as holy because over time “holiness” has come to be associated with images of hypocrisy in the Church.

Courtesy of by Aaron Burden

Desire Jesus

Holiness is the desire to be like Jesus. Holiness is less of a state of being and more of a disposition of the heart. Do you desire to be more like Jesus? If the answer is “yes”, then you are holy. If holiness was dependent upon perfection, then no one would be holy.. Pope Francis refers to the Church as a “hospital for sinners.” If everyone had the capacity to be perfect there would be no need for a church and we would still be living in the Garden of Eden. It is possible to be holy and yet still find ourselves being hypocritical. In fact every time we sin, whether it’s visually apparent to others or not, we are being hypocrites. If you’re a hypocrite then you’re in the right place. Jesus established the Church for you and for me.

Don’t Be Content

Does that mean we should be content with or ignorant of our sins? Absolutely not!. That would be like ending up in a hospital and not desiring to become healthier. So how do we become healthier and conquer our sins? With the guidance of our spiritual doctor, Jesus. God’s Word, in today’s readings, prescribes some practical ways we can become holier people. I’ll conclude with a couple:


1st Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18.

To be holy is not a suggestion any more than a doctor’s prescription is. It’s a command. God says, “Be holy for I, Yahweh your God, am holy.” God outlines what he means by holiness: “Do not seek revenge or nurture a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbour as yourself..”


2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:16-23.

The Apostle Paul is writing to encourage the Corinthians to not be prideful because of they’re well educated. Sometimes the letters that follow our names or the amount of books we read can become a source of pride. It’s important to recognize that all the earthly knowledge is from God. If his intelligence was not behind the objects of our study then there would be nothing to study in the first place.


The Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48

Jesus’ prescription for holiness is a little more extensive. You’re encouraged to read the entirety of the passage. Jesus says: 1) “Do not oppose evil with evil” 2) “Love your enemies; and pray for those who persecute you.”

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