
Do you sometimes feel like you’re drifting through life searching for some purpose? Or even if you do have a goal, you’re not where you want to be? 

This is a very common feeling because we often can’t understand how small daily choices can lead to something greater. This feeling can be magnified even more so when we feel alone. 

This experience is common for many young people. We are reminded of this during Christmas. Do you think Mary felt significant in any way? Before God explicitly revealed His plan for her, she most likely accepted life as a young Jewish woman who was to live the remainder of her life in a dusty corner of ancient Palestine, not contributing to society in any significant way, let alone the world. Do you think Joseph had a sense of greater purpose? Most likely he accepted his role as a quiet carpenter just hoping to make ends meet. Yet, God used these two less-than-ordinary people to literally bring God into our world and bring hope to billions of people to this very day. 

We can look at the circumstance we find ourselves in and we can see very little hope in living a greater purpose. But here’s the thing, God is not subject to the powers of the world; rather, he can use them to fulfill his purposes. Be patient and courageous! Just because you can’t see your life laid out ahead of you, God is working through you right now and will continue to work through you.

Let us pray, 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I may not be confident about where I am going right now, but I am full of hope that you will show me how to love along the way, all for your glory. Surprise me, as you surprised Mary and Joseph. I trust that you have a greater plan for me than what I can conceive of for myself right now. Amen. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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