
Has anyone ever compared you to someone who you’re not too fond of, telling you, “you’re just like…so and so”? You come away annoyed, because in reality, you know that you are nothing like the person you are being compared to.  “One thing is the same, therefore, everything is the same” is bad logic. 

While our families or other associations undoubtedly impact our lives, they don’t have to define our present or future. 

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In the Old Testament, Abraham meets a non-Jewish priest named Melchizedek. Melchizedek didn’t obtain his priesthood because of his family lineage or legal requirements (which was the case in Middle Eastern religions, including Judaism). Scripture says that Malchizedek earned his vocation through “an indestructible life.” In other words, living a life faithful to God. 

It is God who ultimately forms our identities, not our families or other associations. God sets everyone of us apart as unique individuals created in His image with unique purposes throughout our lives. If we truly want to be set apart we have to say “yes” to God. 

When I was teenager I dealt with a lot of anger. When people got upset with me they would say, you’re just like your father. Hearing this made me even more angry because I knew that my identity was not defined by my dad’s past behavior. I love my dad, but I’m not him. Yet, I heard that phrase so often that I started to believe it and accept it. But this all changed once I came to Christ. I became more confident because over time I started to see how the Holy Spirit was forming me to become my own person. 

So I encourage you, don’t limit yourself to identities the world pushes on you, but be open to God forming you into a person that will surprise you and everyone around you.

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