Who comes to mind when you think of wisdom and greatness? What qualities do you associate with wisdom and greatness? 

When I was doing my undergrad I was enamored by my professors’ knowledge and ability to convincingly present ideas.  It so happened that many of my professors were fervently anti-Christian. They convinced me that all the world’s problems can be blamed on Christianity and that all problems can be solved if the world adopted their social theories. How convenient.  

By Moises Gonzalez from Unsplash.com

As I began to study religion I drew parallels between some of the most fundamentalist religious (and even cult-like) sects and academia. They claimed to be all-wise and intelligent, even explaining away the sins that their ideas had led to in the past. My naïve-self failed to see the messianic complex that consumed many of my instructors. Who needs God when you’ve written books and have a PhD following your name? 

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