
Until Next Time!

She laid in her husband’s arm reminiscing the past 59 years of their marriage with an innocent and calming smile. With one mighty final effort she looked in her husband’s eyes with a familiar grin and passed away.

Doreen was Jennine’s (my wife) grandmother and my adopted grandmother. She was a devout Catholic Christian. For grandma going to church was not a chore but a privilege. She grew up in poverty, went to work at a young age to supplement her parents’ income, and helped raise 11 of her 12 siblings.

Despite the challenges of her early life she never failed to bring joy to the people who found themselves in her company. I find myself hard pressed to recall moments when she wasn’t filled with contagious joy. Even as cancer slowly tugged away at her life she laid in bed and marvelled at past family memories turning a gloomy atmosphere into one of laughter.

Grandma lived life to the full.

Photo by Rory Bjorkman from

Photo by Rory Bjorkman from

Scared TO Death?

As I read the works of the late writer and cultural critic, Christopher Hitchens (may he rest joyfully in God’s presence) I am reminded of an earlier Greg Garda.

One of the accusations Mr. Hitchens continuously makes towards people of religious belief is that they are scared of death. Mr. Hitchens, along with my former self, believed that religious faith is a crutch that provides a simple explanation for a state after death. It is a placebo to medicate a fear, or “illness” as Mr. Hitchens implies.


Fear is associated with discomfort, something unknown, or chaos. As a toddler I can recall being terrified of the moment my mother would turn off my bedroom light. I’d lie in my bed fearing the unknown of what what might be looming in the dark corners of my room. It’s safe to say I was not at peace.

Despite knowing that she is nearing the final moment of her life grandma passed away with a peaceful and confident smile. A peaceful and confident smile is not something I’d associate with fear.

Obviously she is not around for us to ask her what happened in that final moment, but I believe that she knew with great confidence that she will see her loved ones again. Certainly, that would bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Living Life to the Full

But what about me? Am I afraid of death? To be honest I rarely think of death. In John’s Gospel Jesus says, “I have come that they may life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Jesus is not concerned with scaring us into living a particular way so that we can “reserve” a spot in heaven. He wants us to live life to the full in our earthly life. He wants is to live with joy, hope, and love every day. Not just for our own sake, but also for the sake of others. This is what grandma did. Through her inspiration it is what I strive for every day.

We were created to live not to die. Death is merely a stepping stone into our next stage of life, into our new home. This is what gives us purpose.  

Questions: 1. What are your thoughts on death? Is it something to fear or be hopeful about? 2. What do you do everyday to live life to the full?

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