Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Category: Podcast

From Death Into Life

When I was growing up, on the surface, my family was well off. My parents had respectable and well-paying jobs, had two cars, and lived in a generously sized suburban home in a quiet neighborhood.

Yet having material success did not equate to peace and love in our home. Our home was filled with conflict, animosity towards those whom we were supposed to love the most, and jealousy. There was always a sense of wanting more; never having enough. Everyone blamed one another.

The apostle John writes, “Yet if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, does God’s love abide in him?” (1 John 3:17).

Photo by Joshua Sortino from

Not surprisingly, God was not a part of our home. Our hearts were so closed against one another that there was no space for God. Personal gain was more important than laying down one’s life for the other. Jealousy of other people’s possessions dictated decisions. There was no room for love in any of our hearts.

We were living in a state of spiritual death since we allowed sin to consume our hearts.

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Episode 4 – Exposing Marx: The Son, The Father, And The Husband

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In Episode 4 I continue to explore the life and writings of Karl Marx.

Many Catholics have become sympathetic to Marx and his ideas and have allowed his ideas to sneak into Catholic theology and moral thought. My hope is to continue to show Catholics that Marx was no secular saint. In fact as I have previously pointed out, Marx’s ultimate goal was to destroy Christianity.

In this episode I explore who Marx was as a son, a father and husband.

If you’re unfamiliar with Karl Marx, you’re in for a shock.

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