Clearly Catholic

Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

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Are Christians Afraid of Death?


Until Next Time!

She laid in her husband’s arm reminiscing the past 59 years of their marriage with an innocent and calming smile. With one mighty final effort she looked in her husband’s eyes with a familiar grin and passed away.

Doreen was Jennine’s (my wife) grandmother and my adopted grandmother. She was a devout Catholic Christian. For grandma going to church was not a chore but a privilege. She grew up in poverty, went to work at a young age to supplement her parents’ income, and helped raise 11 of her 12 siblings.

Despite the challenges of her early life she never failed to bring joy to the people who found themselves in her company. I find myself hard pressed to recall moments when she wasn’t filled with contagious joy. Even as cancer slowly tugged away at her life she laid in bed and marvelled at past family memories turning a gloomy atmosphere into one of laughter.

Grandma lived life to the full.

Photo by Rory Bjorkman from

Photo by Rory Bjorkman from

Scared TO Death?

As I read the works of the late writer and cultural critic, Christopher Hitchens (may he rest joyfully in God’s presence) I am reminded of an earlier Greg Garda.

One of the accusations Mr. Hitchens continuously makes towards people of religious belief is that they are scared of death. Mr. Hitchens, along with my former self, believed that religious faith is a crutch that provides a simple explanation for a state after death. It is a placebo to medicate a fear, or “illness” as Mr. Hitchens implies.

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Is God Dead?


Final Breath or Resurrection?

In an increasingly religious world I have found that discussing my Christian faith has become more difficult. Contrary to what secular media outlets in Canada, United States, and parts of Europe report world religions are at a healthy level. Based on the Pew Forum study, The Global Religious Landscape, as of 2010 84% of the world’s population identify with a world religion. Moreover, surveys have indicated that even ‘unaffiliated’ or ‘non-religious’ consider themselves spiritual (believing in a universal God or spirit). Atheism (literally meaning ‘without-a-god’) is not as prominent as we may think.

If religion and spirituality is more prominent than ever why are we told to keep our belief to ourselves?

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Atheism…for the Educated?

In 2010 as a third year university student I walked into the first day of a philosophy class. Following his introduction, the professor proceeded with the question, “How many of people in this class are Christian?” I watched as the lecture hall was filled with hesitantly raised hands. The professor continued, “By the time you finish this course, you won’t be anymore.”

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God’s Great Canvas: Has Science Disproved God?


As I walked into the Sistine Chapel my eyes immediately gravitated to the ceiling. There it was. Michaelangelo’s masterpiece illustrating major events and players in the Bible.

Fighting my sore neck I struggled to keep my eyes glued to the ceiling. SMACK! A strong palm slapped me on the back, nearly causing me to sprain my neck and fall on my face.

“Buongiorno!” A bearded man in his early 60s yelled in my ear. Noticing that he was wearing a tour guide’s uniform I decided I would politely entertain what he has to say. “My friend! Is this painting not beautiful? Just look how the different atoms arranged themselves to form this masterpiece.” The man proclaimed in awe as his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

Photo by Alex Krivec from

Photo by Alex Krivec from

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