Clearly Catholic

Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

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Why is Jesus So Mean?


I remember as a child playing on my great grandparent’s farm in Romania. The family would often gather on the farm to look after the crops. 

Courtesy of Egor Vihkrev from

One of the most laborious jobs was cutting off dead branches from fruit trees. Like weeds that choke out plants in gardens so do dead branches “choke” trees and inhibit their ability to produce many good fruits. 


The dead branches were thrown into a pile and eventually burned. They didn’t fulfil the purpose for which they were created and were thrown aside.


For Jesus we are analogous to the branches on fruit trees. In John 15:5 Jesus says,


I  am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing (verse 6)


If our lives are not rooted in Jesus we can achieve “nothing” in the same way a branch apart from a tree withers and dies. 


By “nothing” I don’t mean sitting around and relaxing. Unfortunately, we are very good at being busy and doing things, but that doesn’t mean being “useful” in the spiritual sense. 


Blind business is not holiness. 


By patiently asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in your day you will achieve more meaningful and fulfilling things then if you just were busy for the sake of being busy. 


My devotion to Jesus gives me focus and context. 


Avoiding the Flames


Jesus continues to say,


If a man [or woman] does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. 


This sounds harsh. Is Jesus saying if our lives are not rooted in a friendship with him we will end up in hell? ….Yes. 


If you and I know that we have the choice to root our lives in a friendship with Jesus, yet we intentionally strive to live apart from his love, hell is a logical consequence in the same way death is a logical consequence of a branch that is cut off from its host tree. Except in our case we cut ourselves off from our source of life. 


Conversely, if we continuously strive to be rooted in Jesus we will experience life to the fullest and bear fruit beyond our greatest imagination. 


In Christ. 

God’s Not Limited by Your Expectations


Have you ever sold yourself short?

One of the fears I had growing up was failure. As a teenager I was hesitant to set myself ambitious goals because I believed I could never reach them. Instead, I settled for goals that I knew were safe.

The people that surround us don’t always help, though they may have perfectly good intentions. For example, my parents were less than encouraging when I didn’t do well on a test (I think this was just a product of the culture they grew up in). When people say negative things about us enough times, we can start believing them, even though they’re untrue.  

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Finding Perfect Freedom


In today’s gospel Jesus says the following to his Jewish interlocutors: “If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).

The word “freedom” is thrown around a lot today. On a retreat I asked students what they thought freedom meant, to which they responded “to do whatever one desires” or a cheesy statement like, “following your heart.” Ultimately, it boils down to the rejection of some kind of authority – whether it be a teacher, parent or government official.

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How to Persevere In Times of Despair


Auschwitz survivor and author, Corrie Ten Boom once said the following:

“When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.”

When we find ourselves in a place of despair it’s hard to see any purpose behind it, or if any good can be brought out of it. When we are being suffocated by darkness it’s extremely difficult to think of the light, just as someone drowning finds it difficult to pull air into her lungs.


My Brush with Death

In 2009, for the first time in my life I swam in the ocean at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I made the mistake of carelessly going deeper into the water where the waves were bigger and more unpredictable. Without warning, a giant wave swept me off my feet and dragged me under the water. As soon as I poked my head above the water, another wave came and once more dragged me under.

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Not Caving Under Pressure


As two of my friends and I got off the school bus back in the 10th grade and started walking to our homes, one of them started to express his thoughts about a girl he wanted to ask out.

As he continued to speak about this young woman, his speech quickly devolved into something resembling trash. My other friend felt inspired and added his bit of colourful language to the discussion.

While I felt uneasy about the direction their conversation was heading, I must admit I felt the temptation to join in. In high school, I was super awkward (not that I’m not awkward now) and easily gave into peer pressure. Sounds cliché, but I just wanted to fit in with the “cool kids” – whatever that meant back in 2005.

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