Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Faith in Jesus

What do “Rules” and Commandments Have to do with Faith in Jesus?

As a former atheist I believed three things about having faith in God.

First, I believed that God was no different from childhood wishful fantasies such as the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause. I also believed that God was a “god of the gaps”; an explanation for natural phenomena that is yet to be explained by science. Ancient mythical gods fall into this category along with the plethora of gods recognized in classical Hinduism.

Second, I believed that if God did turn out to be real he’s a real jerk. He always seemed to be in competition for my happiness. To me it seemed that God put up a bunch of rules/commandments that kept me from experiencing freedom. You know which “rules” I’m referring to: No sex before marriage; Even after I get married I have to be “open to life.” It seemed to me there were really two options:

a) have a million kids or…

b) abstain from sexual intimacy.

And perhaps the worst “rule” to abide by was being forced to sit through an agonizing hour of church every Sunday.  “What a party pooper!” so I thought.

Courtesy of by Liane Metzier

Courtesy of by Liane Metzier

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