Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: identity

Your identity is not determined by the past mistakes of your family.

Has anyone ever compared you to someone who you’re not too fond of, telling you, “you’re just like…so and so”? You come away annoyed, because in reality, you know that you are nothing like the person you are being compared to.  “One thing is the same, therefore, everything is the same” is bad logic. 

While our families or other associations undoubtedly impact our lives, they don’t have to define our present or future. 

Photo by Chuttersnap from

In the Old Testament, Abraham meets a non-Jewish priest named Melchizedek. Melchizedek didn’t obtain his priesthood because of his family lineage or legal requirements (which was the case in Middle Eastern religions, including Judaism). Scripture says that Malchizedek earned his vocation through “an indestructible life.” In other words, living a life faithful to God. 

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