Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Jesus (Page 5 of 6)

“What” Is God? 3 Places In The Bible That Reveal to Us God’s Nature

In my last video blog post, What God Is Not, I addressed a major categorical mistake that new  atheists (Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens…etc.) make when describing God. I don’t want to dwell on something I already spoke about, so if you’d like the context for this blog post you’re welcome to view the video here.

Today I wish to direct you to three sections in the Bible that clarify how Christians (and Jews) actually understand God’s nature. Let’s get going.

Courtesy of Joshua Earle from

Courtesy of Joshua Earle from

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What God Is Not

Check out my new blog update. This is my first blog video titled “What God is Not.”

I learned today that it’s not easy to shoot a quality video. Much respect to those who do this on a regular basis. Forgive me for the focus part way through. Cheers!

Does Believing in God Restrict Your Intellect?

When I was an undergrad student I was surprised at how many of my professors proudly wore their atheist badges with great pride. With great enthusiasm some even preached personal atheist manifestos with evangelical fervor.

Prior to my acceptance of Christianity I had been convinced that to believe in God is to sacrifice intellect. In other words, if I wanted to be smart (or appear smart) I had to dismiss belief in God as superstition. God has no place in serious academia. Ironically, I soon came to realize how non-intellectual this position is.

Here are THREE REASONS why Christianity can encourage your intellect.

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

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Does Religion Make People Behave Better?

A Conversation with Christopher Hitchens

Recently I have been reading the writings of the New Atheist writer Christopher Hitchens.

I would like to take a moment to explore a question that he poses in his book god is Not Great.

God is Not Great…?

In chapter 13 of his book Hitchens asks the question, “Does religion make people behave better?”

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

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What I Learned About God From Starting a Young Family…So Far

Jennine and I are filled with joy for the arrival of our baby daughter Marian Marguerite Garda. Marian is so precious, gentle and beautiful. We can hold her and stare at her for hours on end.

Courtesy of Amit Kujur from

Courtesy of Amit Kujur from

An Overflow of Joy

Marian is our first child so  Jennine and I are experiencing a steep learning curve. She requires attention around the clock. Changing dirty diapers, bathing, and feeding  is a cycle that we repeat countless times in one day. This cycle has resulted in a lack of sleep for both of us and some considerable physical discomfort for Jennine.


Yet, Jennine and I, have been filled with overflowing joy. For me, it only takes a look into Marian’s tiny blue eyes, hear her sniffle, or hold her close to me and all the pleasures and comforts I once cherished cease to matter.

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Giving From Our Poverty

What does Jesus teach about giving?

One of my favourite parts about the Christmas season is that people adopt a spirit of giving. Most recently I was overjoyed to see the trending of #GivingTuesday on social media.

But how should we give? What is the standard by which we measure our giving?

Photo courtesy of Marian Chinciusan from

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An Order of Jesus with no Church on the Side…Please

Is it possible to follow Jesus without the Church and its teachings?

I was helping my mom move into her new home. A friend of her’s who was also lending a hand became intrigued at my profession. I explained to her my role as a youth minister. I also shared with her my conversion to Catholic Christianity.

The gentle conversational tone of the lady changed. She spoke as if she took offence to my story. Later, I found out she was a non-practicing Catholic.

She argued that she doesn’t need a minister, priest, or church telling her how she should live her faith life. Her relationship is between her and Jesus and that’s all that matters.

Courtesy of Ali Inay from

Courtesy of Ali Inay from

The above argument is popular, but it is faulty. Here are THREE reasons why we can’t have an order of Jesus with no Church on the side.

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The Summit of Creation: What the Bible actually says about femininity?

In the final year of my undergraduate degree I took a class on postmodern politics. In this small, but lively class, one of the “hot topics” was the new waves of feminism.

In one class a student posed the question if prostitution can be viewed in a positive light in today’s western culture. A young woman in our class responded, “Yes, if she is a strong woman.”

Photo by Andrea's Impression Photography

Photo by Andrea’s Impression Photography

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Genies, Magicians and God

Does God answer our prayers?

When I was seven years old I would walk to school on my own. The walks were boring and uneventful. One day I had an exciting idea. In order to pass the time I would pretend to be the genie from Aladdin. At the time Aladdin was my favourite show. I just loved how the genie had so many magical powers and he was able grant wishes instantly. All Aladdin had to do was rub a shiny golden lantern and out of it came the blue genie offering to grant any wish.

I walked to school pretending I had amazing powers. I saved people from distress, convinced people to do my bidding, and turned animals into toys.

Giving Up

Can it be that sometimes we treat God as the genie from Aladdin? A mystical entity that grants our wish whenever we call on him.  

Photo by Milada Vegerova from

Photo by Milada Vegerova from

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