Jennine and I are filled with joy for the arrival of our baby daughter Marian Marguerite Garda. Marian is so precious, gentle and beautiful. We can hold her and stare at her for hours on end.

Courtesy of Amit Kujur from

Courtesy of Amit Kujur from

An Overflow of Joy

Marian is our first child so  Jennine and I are experiencing a steep learning curve. She requires attention around the clock. Changing dirty diapers, bathing, and feeding  is a cycle that we repeat countless times in one day. This cycle has resulted in a lack of sleep for both of us and some considerable physical discomfort for Jennine.


Yet, Jennine and I, have been filled with overflowing joy. For me, it only takes a look into Marian’s tiny blue eyes, hear her sniffle, or hold her close to me and all the pleasures and comforts I once cherished cease to matter.

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