Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Justice

The Challenge of Living a Life of Joy and Vulnerability

It’s been at least two months since I posted. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s really easy to go on autopilot and go through the motions of everyday life trying to reach my goals. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term “tunnel vision.”  

Courtesy of by Nathan Anderson

Courtesy of by Nathan Anderson

I often found myself so focused on writing or recording a weekly blog post, achieving my objectives for work, or completing my next personal project that I completely miss-out on reflecting on some important questions. So I took a step back to reflect. 

I would like to share with you one big question that I often wrestle with. How do I live a life that is filled with joy and at the same time live in solidarity with the poor and suffering?

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Does Religion Make People Behave Better?

A Conversation with Christopher Hitchens

Recently I have been reading the writings of the New Atheist writer Christopher Hitchens.

I would like to take a moment to explore a question that he poses in his book god is Not Great.

God is Not Great…?

In chapter 13 of his book Hitchens asks the question, “Does religion make people behave better?”

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

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Giving From Our Poverty

What does Jesus teach about giving?

One of my favourite parts about the Christmas season is that people adopt a spirit of giving. Most recently I was overjoyed to see the trending of #GivingTuesday on social media.

But how should we give? What is the standard by which we measure our giving?

Photo courtesy of Marian Chinciusan from

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