As some of you know, millions of soccer fans from around the world have been gathering in front of their tv sets to watch the Euro Cup. On Tuesday I watched Croatia vs Scotland. Both teams had to win to move on in the tournament. After 90 minutes of physical and mental torment in front of a loud Scottish crowd, Croatia won the game 3-1 and secured their place in the final 16 of the tournament. 

One of the outstanding parts of the match for me happened after the final whistle. Croatia’s captain, Luka Modric, dropped to the ground covering his eyes as tears flowed out of them. 


He looked as if he just won the entire tournament. Winning that game meant so much to Modric because he went all out for the game, easily covering nearly 12 km on the pitch, and scoring a goal that curled the ball around the Scottish keeper. 


Celebrate, But Don’t Become Complacent 


As you reach the end of the school year, it’s important to celebrate. In the past two years we have been bombarded with so much bad news that we often forget to celebrate the small wins in life. Sometimes, we even have the tendency to downplay our achievements. Celebrating life is a major theme in the Bible. Psalm 145:7 reads, “They shall eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness, And will shout joyfully of Your righteousness.” 


I know many of you gave it your all this year, and then some. Finishing this school year deserves celebration; especially if you’re a graduate. 


Make sure to honor God in your celebration. Thank Him for sustaining you throughout this year and being there to lean on when you felt like giving up. 


Finally, keep in mind that while celebration is important, don’t become complacent. There will be new challenges awaiting you in the near future. Don’t look at these challenges as something bad; look at them as opportunities to further win at life and celebrate further achievements. 


Finishing this school year is like winning one game in a tournament, except the tournament for us lasts a lifetime. We have to celebrate, but then we have to prepare once more.  


Let us pray, 


Almighty Father, We offer you all honour and praise. We thank you for sustaining us throughout this school year. Thank you for keeping us close to your Sacred Heart. Help us to always be aware of your Holy Spirit in our lives. Continue to guide us as we move into the summer. Grant us much deserved rest and to our families many blessings and good health. Throughout the next two months equip us with virtues and spiritual gifts to overcome future obstacles and to conquer any crosses that may burden us. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen. 


Hail Mary…