Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Old Testament

Is God Afraid of Smart People? Why Has God Revealed Himself to “Simple People” First?

Some time ago I was reading the late Christopher Hitchens’ book “God is Not Great.” If you are familiar with Christopher Hitchens you will know that he is one of the leading figures in the “New Atheist” movement of the 21st Century. In his book one of the claims he makes against belief in God is that God always seems to reveal himself to the uneducated, vulnerable, and the poor, who, in his judgment are more naive and gullible. If God is real why is he so afraid to reveal himself to those who are well educated, hold prominent societal positions, or might pose tough questions towards him? So the assumptions ago.

Is this a valid question?

Courtesy of by Mari Helin-Tuominen

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In this week’s video I will explore how God has revealed himself through the person of Jesus Christ.

For 2000 years Christianity has made the claim that the historical person of Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Christian doctrine says that Jesus is fully God and fully human. This means that Jesus doesn’t abandon his divinity to take on human nature nor does he abandon human nature to hold onto his divinity.

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