Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Politics

By What Authority? Determining the Objectivity of Secular Values.

I remember visiting a person and discussing the moral implications of abortion. My interlocutor held the position that abortion ought to be legal because a child is not considered to be living until the child is outside the mother’s womb.

So I proceeded to ask who has the authority to decide when a human person is to be considered a human person. Thinking for a moment he responded by saying it’s simply the secular law. “So, who is the lawgiver or law creator then? And by what authority does the lawgiver decide that a law is objectively just?” I asked. He responded “It just is?” What an odd answer.

The Crux of the Matter

I wish to discuss 2 questions in brief:

  1. What is secularity?
  2. Are secular values objectively always true and what is the standard by which we decide if they’re true?

Let’s start with the first question.

Coutesy of by Claire Anderson

Coutesy of by Claire Anderson

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The End of Reason

Walking Among Counterfeits

Numerous times I have had the experience of walking through a distinct mall in Lima, Peru called “Polvos Rosados.” Essentially it’s a giant dome with hundreds of vendors selling counterfeit versions of popular products. Counterfeits of expensive luxury brand watches, counterfeits of clothing brands such as American Eagle, Adidas, and Giorgio Armani, and occasionally the questionably acquired latest electronic gadget such as IPads, MacBooks, and smartphones.

To notice the difference between a counterfeit and an original when it comes to some of the products it would take a professional. For instance the luxury watches (Omega, Rolex…etc). Several vendors will carry similar, if the not the exact same counterfeits, but each vendor will insist that their fake is a more realistic fake than the one being sold around the corner.  

Courtesy of Roy from

Courtesy of Roy from

Counterfeiting Truth

It seems that in the West (Canada, U.S., and Most of Europe) we live in an era where we are being sold several versions of counterfeit morality. Each insisting that their moral reasoning is more true than the other. Insisting that their fake is less fake than the next person’s.

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Should You Express Your Faith or Belief System In Public?

Some time ago a young woman to expressed to me her offence at seeing some Muslim men on the streets of Niagara Falls praying in a public square. In brief, five times a day Muslims are mandated to turn towards Mecca (in Saudi Arabia), kneel, bow, and stand as they recite the Salah. She was of the opinion that people should keep their faith or belief systems in the private realms of their life.

Should people be allowed to publicly express their faith through word or action?

Courtesy of  by Leon Seierlein

Courtesy of by Leon Seierlein

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