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Tag: Pride

Carrying Our Burdens Alone Is A Sign Of Pride

A reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew:

“My yoke is easy, and my burden light.” – Matthew 11:30

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t want to be a burden to others.” This is a common thought that crosses our minds when we are wrestling with pain (mental or physical). We know that sharing our burdens can alleviate our pain, yet we convince ourselves that our peers and loved ones would rather not hear about it. Sometimes we can even convince ourselves that suffering alone in silence is somehow a sign of humility. 

Image by Marcin Simonides from

In reality, trying to carry the burden of pain alone, can be a sign of pride. Remember, even Jesus allowed Simon to help with carrying His cross.  

The “yoke” Jesus is referring to is a wooden bar that sits on top of the backs of two or more cattle. It binds the cattle together and allows them to collectively pull a plow that on their own they could never do. Just as importantly the yoke ensures that the cattle don’t wander. 

Similarly, if we share our own burdens with people we trust they become much lighter. Who are the people in your life with whom you can share your burdens with? A close friend? A family member? A teacher? On the other hand, who needs you to assist with their burdens? 

Finally, Jesus invites us to share our burdens with him. Through faith, with Jesus, our burdens that were once perceived as too heavy will become significantly easier to overcome. 

Let us pray, 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Lord, Jesus I thank you for loving me. I thank you for your endless patience with my constant impatience. Give me the strength as I continue to work in the different areas of my life. I pray for the humility to share my burdens with others and increase in love towards those who need someone to share their own burdens with. I pray this in Your Holy Name. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Manly Conversations and Measuring Sticks: Walking the Fine Line of Pride and Humility

Is it possible to be a proud and humble at the same time? I think so. But in order to understand how we can balance pride and humility we need to turn to scripture (the Bible).

“Manly” Conversations

This past Thanksgiving weekend our family was invited to a baby shower. As I was speaking with someone in the kitchen, in the living room area sat most of the husbands of the wives of whom were invited speaking about “manly” things.

Courtesy of by Jonathan Pendleton

Courtesy of by Jonathan Pendleton

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