Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Religion (Page 2 of 2)

Does Religion Make People Behave Better?

A Conversation with Christopher Hitchens

Recently I have been reading the writings of the New Atheist writer Christopher Hitchens.

I would like to take a moment to explore a question that he poses in his book god is Not Great.

God is Not Great…?

In chapter 13 of his book Hitchens asks the question, “Does religion make people behave better?”

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

Courtesy of Stefan Kunze from

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Giving From Our Poverty

What does Jesus teach about giving?

One of my favourite parts about the Christmas season is that people adopt a spirit of giving. Most recently I was overjoyed to see the trending of #GivingTuesday on social media.

But how should we give? What is the standard by which we measure our giving?

Photo courtesy of Marian Chinciusan from

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An Order of Jesus with no Church on the Side…Please

Is it possible to follow Jesus without the Church and its teachings?

I was helping my mom move into her new home. A friend of her’s who was also lending a hand became intrigued at my profession. I explained to her my role as a youth minister. I also shared with her my conversion to Catholic Christianity.

The gentle conversational tone of the lady changed. She spoke as if she took offence to my story. Later, I found out she was a non-practicing Catholic.

She argued that she doesn’t need a minister, priest, or church telling her how she should live her faith life. Her relationship is between her and Jesus and that’s all that matters.

Courtesy of Ali Inay from

Courtesy of Ali Inay from

The above argument is popular, but it is faulty. Here are THREE reasons why we can’t have an order of Jesus with no Church on the side.

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The Summit of Creation: What the Bible actually says about femininity?

In the final year of my undergraduate degree I took a class on postmodern politics. In this small, but lively class, one of the “hot topics” was the new waves of feminism.

In one class a student posed the question if prostitution can be viewed in a positive light in today’s western culture. A young woman in our class responded, “Yes, if she is a strong woman.”

Photo by Andrea's Impression Photography

Photo by Andrea’s Impression Photography

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Genies, Magicians and God

Does God answer our prayers?

When I was seven years old I would walk to school on my own. The walks were boring and uneventful. One day I had an exciting idea. In order to pass the time I would pretend to be the genie from Aladdin. At the time Aladdin was my favourite show. I just loved how the genie had so many magical powers and he was able grant wishes instantly. All Aladdin had to do was rub a shiny golden lantern and out of it came the blue genie offering to grant any wish.

I walked to school pretending I had amazing powers. I saved people from distress, convinced people to do my bidding, and turned animals into toys.

Giving Up

Can it be that sometimes we treat God as the genie from Aladdin? A mystical entity that grants our wish whenever we call on him.  

Photo by Milada Vegerova from

Photo by Milada Vegerova from

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Can Science Replace God?

Belief in the God of the Bible can easily be dismissed by current scientific observation or future scientific discovery. The God of the Bible is merely a placeholder in a “gap” that has not yet been explained by scientific observation. Whether it be Zeus, Santa Claus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or the God of the Bible, they can all be explained away by scientific observation. This is referred to as the “god of the gaps” argument.

I will share with you 3 reasons why I believe the “god of the gaps” argument is falsely used against Christianity.

  1. Science and God do not oppose each other. I will not speak in great length on this as I devoted two posts to this subject, Is God Dead? and God’s Great Canvas. But allow me to leave you with the following question:


Photo by Ryan Wick from

Photo by Ryan Wick from

If the God of the Bible can be explained away by scientific observation then why are there leading scientists who are openly and confidently Christian?

If their belief in God is not valid then these men and women of great intelligence are the equivalent of a 6 year old who refuses abandon his belief is Santa Claus. Despite catching his father putting presents under the Christmas tree at 2a.m. in the morning and shamelessly splurging on a plateful of homemade chocolate chip cookies with a 2 litre carton of milk.

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Is God Dead?

Final Breath or Resurrection?

In an increasingly religious world I have found that discussing my Christian faith has become more difficult. Contrary to what secular media outlets in Canada, United States, and parts of Europe report world religions are at a healthy level. Based on the Pew Forum study, The Global Religious Landscape, as of 2010 84% of the world’s population identify with a world religion. Moreover, surveys have indicated that even ‘unaffiliated’ or ‘non-religious’ consider themselves spiritual (believing in a universal God or spirit). Atheism (literally meaning ‘without-a-god’) is not as prominent as we may think.

If religion and spirituality is more prominent than ever why are we told to keep our belief to ourselves?

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Atheism…for the Educated?

In 2010 as a third year university student I walked into the first day of a philosophy class. Following his introduction, the professor proceeded with the question, “How many of people in this class are Christian?” I watched as the lecture hall was filled with hesitantly raised hands. The professor continued, “By the time you finish this course, you won’t be anymore.”

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God’s Great Canvas: Has Science Disproved God?

As I walked into the Sistine Chapel my eyes immediately gravitated to the ceiling. There it was. Michaelangelo’s masterpiece illustrating major events and players in the Bible.

Fighting my sore neck I struggled to keep my eyes glued to the ceiling. SMACK! A strong palm slapped me on the back, nearly causing me to sprain my neck and fall on my face.

“Buongiorno!” A bearded man in his early 60s yelled in my ear. Noticing that he was wearing a tour guide’s uniform I decided I would politely entertain what he has to say. “My friend! Is this painting not beautiful? Just look how the different atoms arranged themselves to form this masterpiece.” The man proclaimed in awe as his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

Photo by Alex Krivec from

Photo by Alex Krivec from

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