Everything OR Nothing

The resurrection of Jesus is the climax of the Christian faith. Everything hinges on this one historical event. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead then our faith is vain. The Apostle Paul admits this in the Bible: “…and if Christ has not been raised; then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain.” (1 Cor 14:14). Paul is seemingly inviting people to examine for themselves the evidence for the resurrection. He wouldn’t have done this if he wasn’t 100% sure of it.

On the other hand, if Jesus did rise from the dead. Then he is truly the Son of God; he is the embodiment of Truth.

Courtesy of Good Free Photos from Unsplash.com

Courtesy of Good Free Photos from Unsplash.com

So let’s accept Paul’s invitation and explore one of the most convincing pieces of evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. I invite you (believer or not) to dive into the evidence I present. If you don’t like the evidence feel free to present evidence to the contrary, but don’t run from the evidence.

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