Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Science

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

Last week before Good Friday I was scrolling through my social media feeds. As I was scrolling down an image caught my intention. In the photo there was a statue of Jesus Crucified with blood dripping down his face and limbs. Beside the statue was a man posing mocking what the statue represented.

Initially I was offended, but as quickly as the feeling of offence came it dissipated even faster. Why be offended? Afterall, it’s explicitly written in the Bible that Jesus was mocked, humiliated and died a death reserved for the greatest of criminals in ancient Rome. If it happened then, it will today.

My confidence as a Christian convert from atheism comes from two things: First, my real life changing experience of Jesus Christ in my life and in those Christians whom I met as an atheist. Second, the overwhelming evidence of Jesus’ resurrection. In this moment I would like to focus on the latter; the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. I will discuss two popular objections often brought up by skeptics and atheists. Due to length required to give this objection respect I will focus on one of two objections against the Resurrection. My next post will focus on a second.

Courtesy of Simoen Muller from

Courtesy of Simoen Muller from

Objection 1: Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.

A common objection proposed by skeptics is that Jesus didn’t die on the cross. Jesus survived the crucifixion, rescued by his followers and continued to live until his natural death. One Indian scholar I read even suggests that Jesus went as far as India where eventually he died a natural death. When examining the historical and archaeological evidence I’m afraid this argument would not be given the light of the day in a modern courtroom. Let’s explore ancient crucifixion.

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[First Periscope Post] From Unbelief to Belief

This is my first Periscope post as part of my weekly blog posts at Just click on the link  of the picture below to view the video.

[First Periscope Post] From Unbelief to Belief

Courtesy of Terry Hancock from

Courtesy of Terry Hancock from

In this post I briefly give my testimony on why I went from unbelief in God to belief in Him. I touch on one major intellectual struggle I had: Why is there so many accomplished intelligent people in different disciplines from science to philosophy to social sciences who believe in God with great confidence. In fact, their disciplines often lead them to conclude that it is more reasonable to hold that God does indeed exist.

What God Is Not

Check out my new blog update. This is my first blog video titled “What God is Not.”

I learned today that it’s not easy to shoot a quality video. Much respect to those who do this on a regular basis. Forgive me for the focus part way through. Cheers!

Does Believing in God Restrict Your Intellect?

When I was an undergrad student I was surprised at how many of my professors proudly wore their atheist badges with great pride. With great enthusiasm some even preached personal atheist manifestos with evangelical fervor.

Prior to my acceptance of Christianity I had been convinced that to believe in God is to sacrifice intellect. In other words, if I wanted to be smart (or appear smart) I had to dismiss belief in God as superstition. God has no place in serious academia. Ironically, I soon came to realize how non-intellectual this position is.

Here are THREE REASONS why Christianity can encourage your intellect.

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

Courtesy of Demletrich Baker from

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Can Science Replace God?

Belief in the God of the Bible can easily be dismissed by current scientific observation or future scientific discovery. The God of the Bible is merely a placeholder in a “gap” that has not yet been explained by scientific observation. Whether it be Zeus, Santa Claus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or the God of the Bible, they can all be explained away by scientific observation. This is referred to as the “god of the gaps” argument.

I will share with you 3 reasons why I believe the “god of the gaps” argument is falsely used against Christianity.

  1. Science and God do not oppose each other. I will not speak in great length on this as I devoted two posts to this subject, Is God Dead? and God’s Great Canvas. But allow me to leave you with the following question:


Photo by Ryan Wick from

Photo by Ryan Wick from

If the God of the Bible can be explained away by scientific observation then why are there leading scientists who are openly and confidently Christian?

If their belief in God is not valid then these men and women of great intelligence are the equivalent of a 6 year old who refuses abandon his belief is Santa Claus. Despite catching his father putting presents under the Christmas tree at 2a.m. in the morning and shamelessly splurging on a plateful of homemade chocolate chip cookies with a 2 litre carton of milk.

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Is God Dead?

Final Breath or Resurrection?

In an increasingly religious world I have found that discussing my Christian faith has become more difficult. Contrary to what secular media outlets in Canada, United States, and parts of Europe report world religions are at a healthy level. Based on the Pew Forum study, The Global Religious Landscape, as of 2010 84% of the world’s population identify with a world religion. Moreover, surveys have indicated that even ‘unaffiliated’ or ‘non-religious’ consider themselves spiritual (believing in a universal God or spirit). Atheism (literally meaning ‘without-a-god’) is not as prominent as we may think.

If religion and spirituality is more prominent than ever why are we told to keep our belief to ourselves?

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Photo by Curtis Perry from

Atheism…for the Educated?

In 2010 as a third year university student I walked into the first day of a philosophy class. Following his introduction, the professor proceeded with the question, “How many of people in this class are Christian?” I watched as the lecture hall was filled with hesitantly raised hands. The professor continued, “By the time you finish this course, you won’t be anymore.”

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God’s Great Canvas: Has Science Disproved God?

As I walked into the Sistine Chapel my eyes immediately gravitated to the ceiling. There it was. Michaelangelo’s masterpiece illustrating major events and players in the Bible.

Fighting my sore neck I struggled to keep my eyes glued to the ceiling. SMACK! A strong palm slapped me on the back, nearly causing me to sprain my neck and fall on my face.

“Buongiorno!” A bearded man in his early 60s yelled in my ear. Noticing that he was wearing a tour guide’s uniform I decided I would politely entertain what he has to say. “My friend! Is this painting not beautiful? Just look how the different atoms arranged themselves to form this masterpiece.” The man proclaimed in awe as his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

Photo by Alex Krivec from

Photo by Alex Krivec from

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