When I was 12 years old my family went on a trip across Germany and Austria. Traveling with my family was never a great experience. My dad only wanted to visit “educational” places, we always got lost (this was during a time before GPS and cell phones were widely used), and my parents spent most of the time in the car arguing. 

One day we were driving on a highway near the Austrian Alps when my dad noticed that the gas tank was almost empty. My dad being the smart engineer that he is, forgot to put gasoline in the car before we left for the day. To make things worse a heavy fog was rolling in and visibility was close to zero and there were no signs of a gas station nearby. Regrettably, my sister and I laughed, while my mom and dad’s anxiety went into overdrive. 

Photo by Christopher Lemercier from Unsplash.com

I remember my dad losing it and accepting the reality that we might be stranded on a remote highway in the Austrian Alps with no means of communication. Nothing short of a miracle, just as the car was stuttering, a gas station came into view at the side of the highway. 

Similarly, if we are not proactive in our spiritual life we can feel like we are running on fumes. We can easily be overcome by anxiety, fear, and unnecessary exhaustion. How do we keep our spiritual tanks at a good level? 

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