Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Thanksgiving

A World That Forgot How to Love

I love you, you love me we’re together a happy family.” As I’m sure you know, these are the popular lyrics of the childhood friendly purple dinosaur, Barney.  

As a child when I first saw Barney singing this song as he danced away with children my own age around him I felt very weird about watching it. There was something wrong with the lyrics (never mind a grown man in a purple dinosaur costume dancing). As a five year old I couldn’t put a finger on what was bothering me about it. But one thing I did know was whatever “love”  Barney was singing about wasn’t real love.

In hindsight, this love was very superficial. It totally ignored the reality of authentic love. The ugly side of it that requires real sacrifice, perseverance, and faith. It didn’t give me hope a child. I couldn’t relate it to my experience.

God is Love?

It seems it’s this “Barney type of love” is what our culture chases. One that is ultimately rooted in comfort with no sense perseverance or sacrifice. And if I may say, a love that is delusional.

Courtesy of Mayur Gala from

Courtesy of Mayur Gala from

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