Five years ago, my Facebook account got hacked. I got so frustrated that I deleted my account. Shortly after, I also deleted my Twitter and Instagram accounts. I got tired of scrolling through endless cultural and political debates.

Social media was not only upsetting my peace, but it kept me mentally disengaged from my wife and children. Not long before my Facebook account got hacked my wife and I were on a date. During our time together all I could think about was a theological debate I was having with a former classmate on Facebook. While physically being present to my wife, I was disengaged mentally.

Photo by Hasan Almasi from Unsplash

Destroying the Prison Walls

I felt as if I was in a prison and the only way out was to destroy the walls that kept me trapped. The walls were constructed of social media. In Isaiah 61:1 the prophet proclaims that he was sent to liberate captives and release prisoners. Isaiah is not referring to physical liberation, but liberation from a spiritual prison that the Israelites have become accustomed to due to their complacency in worshipping false idols and rejecting God’s Word. Do you feel trapped in a spiritual prison? What are the “walls” made of? What is holding you back from seeing God’s light beyond the walls? How can we begin tear down these walls? What’s the antidote to our spiritual complacency?

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