Bringing Clarity to Uncertainty in Our Church

Tag: Unbelief

“Prayer? Sorry…There’s No App for That”: A Common Misconception About Prayer

There are many reasons that people can turn away from faith in God. The top three reasons I hear most are the following:

  1. The assumption that science disproves God…
  2. The problem of evil and suffering…
  3. And unanswered prayers

I have spoken on all three of these issues in previous written and video posts (which you can check out on my blog), but today I would like to revisit the third one. The problem of unanswered prayers.

Courtesy of by Ben White

Courtesy of by Ben White

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Do Christians Have Blind Faith?

Following the Easter weekend I wrote a post on evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. In the post I looked at various historical evidences in and outside the Bible. On Twitter someone tweeted at me, “clearly not by faith.”  Was he implying that I choose not to base my belief in Jesus on faith? I can’t say for sure. But if that is the case then his understanding of “faith” in the Christian sense is misunderstood.

Blind Faith?

The Christian faith is not blind. Blind faith borders on the edge of superstition and ought to be questioned. The Christian faith is one that is based on evidence. In fact, the study of theology is defined as faith informed by reason. I go as far as to say if the things that I as a Christian profess by faith, including the resurrection of Jesus is not supported by evidence or reason then it is not worth believing in.

Courtesy of by Oscar Keys

Courtesy of by Oscar Keys

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